How To
Changing Ticket Prices
When your Ticket Inventory Manager is set up for the first time, our algorithm goes in and sets the initial single ticket price for you. If applicable to your season tickets, the Pair and the Four columns will automatically populate using a simple math formula based on the Single ticket price.
Sometimes you'll want to change your ticket prices yourself. This article will show you how to change the ticket price on your spreadsheet.
Step 1
Locate the Single ticket price column.
Note: You will only need to change the single ticket price since the Pair and Four columns will automatically adjust based on this price.

Step 2
Locate the single ticket price of the game that you wish to adjust. Double-click the box to edit it.

Step 3
Type in the new price you wish to set, then hit "Return" on your keyboard.

All done!
If applicable, your Pair and Four columns will automatically adjust based on your new Single ticket price. Google Sheets will automatically save and upload your changes to your live page. You can now safely close the window.